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Bowtech - The Original Bowen Technique
Bowen Therapy is revolutionizing the field of health care
It is only a very few times in our lives that a rare opportunity presents itself and Bowtech, the original Bowen Technique becoming available in the late 80s is one of those times.
Comments such as The Bowen Technique is possibly the greatest discovery ever in health care are borne out by the amazing results obtained throughout the world by this non-invasive, all embracing modality.
The phenomenal growth and popularity of the Bowen Technique is reflected by the fact that over 50,000 practitioners worldwide have taken Bowtech training.
The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia has over 130 accredited Instructors. To date courses have been held in over 30 countries. Arguably, the only holistic discipline in the world, the Bowen Technique is revolutionizing the field of health care, where the work is taught and used correctly.
Only Bowtech Accredited Instructors can bring you the seven modules of Basic Training, Specialised Bowen Procedures 1 (Advanced) and Specialised Bowen Procedures 2 (Masters) courses all of which we received directly from Mr. Bowen who asked us exclusively to document and chart his amazing techniques.
We warmly invite you to experience this wonderful modality for yourself or to take the opportunity of learning Bowtech, the original Bowen Technique.
Accept no substitutes
Ossie & Elaine Rentsch
The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia

Bowtech Pty Ltd
PO Box 733
Victoria, 3300
+61 (0) 3 5572 3000
+61 (0) 3 5572 3144
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